Thursday, April 10, 2008

That's just the way it is baby...

So today has been a TERRIBLE day...

I stopped at Quik Trip during a thunderstorm and couldn't get the gas pump to start. Then, I couldn't get it to stop and ended up going over the amount I wanted to purchase by three dollars! (okay, so it's only a thimble-full more gas, but still!)

Then I decide to pay at the pump (which never works out well for me) and the receipt got stuck in the machine... So I go inside to buy pop and when I go to put the lid on, it won't fit! So I push on it a bit harder and the whole side of the cup splits open and gets squashed because I'm pushing down on it.

Pop shoots out both sides and the straw hole in the top. Straws are wet, lids are wet, the counter is wet, the guy next to me now has brown specks of Dr. Pepper all over his shirt and pants...the lady next to me has it on her shoes, and I (miraculously) have very little on me at all!

I apologize profusely and the guy and the lady are cool about it. The Quik Trip worker seems really ticked and goes to get a mop. By this time I don't want any more pop and am somewhat scared to even try it...but I do, and all goes well.

I get to work only to discover that someone has piled their work all over the place in my work space... Now, I can do this work quite easily and quickly, so I do...but the more I think about it, the more angry I get...BECAUSE THIS PERSON COULD HAVE DONE THIS JUST AS EASILY AS ME AND CHOSE TO BE LAZY AND LEAVE IT FOR ME INSTEAD!
What a crappy thing to do! Me, being non-confrontational, seethes for about two hours and never says anything. (Well, I did mention it to other people...)

Since then, the day has gone okay...

So, how's your day?


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