Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Borking of Sarah Palin

The darkest, most devious aspects of American politics reared it's ugly head today as we witnessed the "Borking" of Sarah Palin, the presumptive Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.

As we all know, her 17 year old Daughter is pregnant and unmarried, and while this is a sad situation for this young girl to be in, it in no way reflects on the abilities of her Mother, to Mother or to be considered as the Vice President.

The thing that makes me most angry is that the feminists in this Country say that their main purpose is to promote Women's Rights and Equality, and yet once again, they will only stand united for a Woman who agrees with them on every issue, not one who differs with them on Abortion, Gay Rights or anything else along that line.

So, as long as you drink their kool-aid and tow the line, then you're worthy of being defended...if not...You're on your own. One feminist commentator even referred to Palin as the "Skirt" on the Republican ticket! If a Man or better yet, a Republican ever referred to a woman as a "Skirt" they'd be beaten back to the stone age! Some have suggested that her Daughter's pregnancy would not have occurred if she'd been at home watching her kids!!!

Feminists are telling Strong, Bold, Brave Republican Women to stay home with their kids???!!! Have they gone Mad? The easy answer to this question is "YES," they are officially stark-raving loony! (They have been for quite a while, it's just now becoming obvious to everyone, and not just Republicans)

Rumors are swirling that Palin may bow out as early as tomorrow. I hope not... Politics is a pretty pathetic place as it is...but if decent people keep getting "Borked" out of politics, all we'll have left is the swill.


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