Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here are a couple of pics we took this summer at Lobb Cemetery in Blue Springs, MO. We took them at Midnight and contrary to the date posted, it was actually July 4th not, April 7th.

One picture has Dustin with what appears to be his face floating over to the side. This "error" happened in camera and we were able to see it right after we took the pic. I'm still not sure what caused it.

The other pic has what looks like headlights or some sort of glowing orbs floating above the ground. I would subscribe to the headlight theory except for the fact that behind the cemetery there isn't a road...only more cemetery and a lot of woods...

So, even if you don't believe in ghosts...(and I don't!) It's still kind of cool!

Happy Halloween! Save me some Kit Kat Bars!


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