Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Luke at Christmas

Luke has had a really rough time this Winter after hurting his leg during our first ice storm. He's been limping a lot and has been spending more of his time upstairs with us rather than in his pen downstairs.

He's loving all of the attention and has taken over a lot of our time, but for the most part we've enjoyed his company, if not his barking when he wants extra attention.

For Christmas he got a giant bone that is about 2.5 feet long and is his pride and joy. In spite of his limp, he pranced around all day yesterday with the bone in his mouth, clobbering everything in his way with the bone in his mouth. You could practically see his smile behind that big, rawhide bone.

I hadn't seen him this happy or contented in a long time... I'm glad it cheered him up!

On Christmas Eve, Luke kept busy sniffing packages and pawing at boxes under the tree...which was fine till he started trying to open presents for us!

It was cute to see him so curious about Christmas stuff...he's always kind of ignored it before. Sherry and I laughed about it for awhile and then realizing that this would undoubtedly be his last Christmas with us, the mood turned sad. Sherry cried and I got misty eyed as we watched our old buddy, Luke trying to grab presents with his big paws...

Merry Christmas Luke and we hope we have you for a lot of this coming new year!

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