Sunday, February 08, 2009

Okay, it is official... I have no spare time

With my addiction to facebook and trying to figure out Twitter (which I've had for over a year and NEVER used) I am spiraling downward into an Internet abyss that keeps getting deeper.
Curt Schilling, the great Boston Red Sox Pitcher, keeps touting TWITTER as one of his fave things, but I don't see the thrill yet.

Add to that Basketball games, practices, school programs...etc... and then factor in the fact that baseball practice starts this week and PRESTO! You have maximum busy-ness!

On the home front... Sherry has been busy with work...Dustin with school...Jared with Sports and me with all of the above... well, school in the sense that I help the boys with homework when I can...

Dustin's band kind of fell apart, so he's been a bit down about that... Jared's Basketball team keeps chalking up the wins and is heading towards their final game this weekend... hopefully they'll still be at only one loss for the season. They have a tourney coming up in a couple of weeks and then that's it for the year.

Baseball looks different for him this year with the collapse of his old team, the BULLDOGS. Several of the team members, along with Jared are forming "THE WARRIORS" and will start practice this week... I'm excited because in addition to wearing a Billy Butler shirt (GO ROYALS!) and drinking from an Alex Gordon mug (GO ROYALS!) I am a die hard baseball fan who is raring to go for another season of youth baseball! (GO WARRIORS!)

I don't have any recent Dustin pics or Sherry pics, but I do have a picture of the fuzzy-faced, bad breath girl that I woke up with this morning and some basketball pics of Jared's team beating their rivals 18-2... It was a good, very quick weekend....hope the next weekend gets here soon!
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUSTIN...which is coming up this WEDNESDAY!

Have a good week and a Happy Valentine's Day....


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