Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Albert Pujols = Persona non grata

Persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person," is a term used in diplomacy with a specialized and legally defined meaning. The opposite of persona non grata is persona grata.

If you had asked me a week ago to give you my opinion of St. Louis Cardinals baseball Superstar Albert Pujols, I would have said that he may be the greatest baseball player of his generation.
After last opinion has been altered just a bit.

Oh, I will still tell you that Albert Pujols may be the greatest baseball player of his generation...but then I'll pause, look you in the eye and tell you that in the eyes of my children, (and to some extent my eyes as well...) Albert Pujols is a bit of a jerk!

Dateline: Kansas City, Missouri Friday December 22nd, 2006 2:30 pm...
An average department store in an average suburb of KC. Subject Pujols is looking at shoes when he is spotted by members of the Cox family.

They speculate as to if it is, in fact, the greatest baseball player in all of the Major Leagues. After careful consideration it is determined that it is, in fact, Albert Pujols. Members of the Cox family decide they want to approach the subject and ask for an autograph. When younger members, Dustin (age 12) and Jared (age 6) become skittish about approaching one of their heroes a logical solution is offered...Their Father, David (age 41) will make the initial approach on their behalf.

David crosses the isle from jackets and coats to men's sweaters. "Excuse me?" David (Me) says, "Are you Albert Pujols?"
"Yes I am" says the man, thus answering the question of "Is this really Albert Pujols?"
"I was wondering if my Sons could tell you "HI" and get your autograph?" I ask politely.
Pujols eyes narrow to slits as he says "No way, Man...not here!"
"Sorry to bother you," I say as he walks away quickly.

"What a jerk!" Dustin says
"Wow," says Jared, "I wasn't expecting that!"
"Me neither..." I (I mean, David) reply.
"We should just point and yell... HEY IT'S ALBERT PUJOLS!!!" Dustin says...
"Maybe he's just having a bad day...or maybe he's like me and hates Christmas shopping?" I offered.
"But still, you'd think he'd at least be not so rude." Says Dustin.
"You're right..." I offer.

I honestly do understand his reasons for not signing autographs:
1. He's afraid everyone will notice him and it will become a riot.
2. He hates Christmas shopping and just wants to get out of there and get home.
3. He's spending time with his family and just doesn't want to be bothered.
4. We might have been the 25th group of people to pester him that day.

Reasons I think he might have refused: (my first reaction to his behavior)
1. He's a Jerk
2. He didn't even think for one minute that while we might have been the 25th group of people to ask for his autograph that was the ONLY time that my kids are likely to run into one of their heroes while just out shopping.
3. He's a Jerk
4. He's addicted to the fame but allergic to the fans.

Ways that Albert could have refused nicely:

1. Sorry guys, I'm with my family and I don't want to cut into their time.
2. I can't guys because I'm really in a hurry, but it was nice that you asked.
3. I wish I could, but if I did I'm afraid it would turn into a madhouse...but here, let me shake your hands.
4. Sorry guys, but you know how hectic it is around Christmas, and I've still got a lot to do...

See, could have done the nice thing in the eyes of my kids...that way you wouldn't have ended up persona non grata...


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