Friday, January 25, 2008

Complaints Department

I'm a complainer...

I began to realize it about two weeks ago when someone asked me how I was feeling and I gave them a three minute story about tripping over our dog and falling on my getting-worse-every-day knees.

I mentioned to a co-worker at that time that I was starting to become a complainer. I went on to gripe to her about traffic and idiot drivers and dopey co-workers and the like and only later did I realize what a downward spiral I was in.

Now this week one of my co-workers (another one) scoffed when I said I was a "mostly happy" person. She said that for someone as happy as I was, I sure did complain a lot. Great! So now other people have noticed!

Maybe it's the Winter weather, or the dopey co-workers or the traffic or my bad knees...I don't know... I think I have some legitimate gripes!

Like when the local paper's editorial board says that Governor Matt Blunt's not running for reelection is a good move... WHAT???!!! Are they kidding???!!! Only two pages before that they gave a list of his accomplishments vs. his problems and the accomplishments far outnumbered the debits. Schools and Roads and taxes are a LOT better under his administration...thank you very much!

I used to use this blog to gripe and it was very therapeutic... but since I haven't been able to blog much lately I've turned into a Grump... ask my kids, heck... ask my co-workers!

So I guess I should apologize for being a whiner, a griper, a grump! I hereby will only gripe to you, dear readers and will make an attempt to break into song whenever I feel a gripe coming on...

Like when I'm in traffic.... "Somewhere, beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me.... my lover stands on golden sands....and watches the ships that go sailing...."

That should make my co-workers happy... unless they don't like my singing!


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