Wednesday, January 30, 2008

O'Bama and the Whitest day ever!


So yesterday O'Bama hits Kansas City at the same time that a blizzard hits... what are the odds?
A lot of people braved the storm to go out in freezing temps and 50 mph winds and snow and guess what? I say more power to them! I might have gone if I'd thought that my old crappy knees would last the 3 block walk down and 3 block walk back.

Do I think I'll vote for him? No....but he's a good speaker and I'm sure it was interesting... Friends of mine who went thought he was good although the event was oversold (it was free, but SRO in the auditorium).

Hillary and Bill keep slamming away at O'Bama on the trail and if he can withstand that, he may be worthy of being President. I hate to join the "Anyone but Hillary" group, but at this point, he'd have to be better than the shrill shrew (Hillary) and her race-baiting Grandpa...(Bill).

Honestly, I don't know who I'm voting for... I was solidly behind Fred Thompson, who wasn't very solid as a candidate... Huckabee is too iffy for me and good old John could probably do the job, but for some reason I'm just not crazy about him. (although I loved him on Saturday Night Live singing Streisand songs!)

Romney could probably do the job and he looks and sounds Presidential....but yet I'm not sold on him either...

As for Ron Paul... He's got a couple of good ideas and a whole bunch-o-nutty ones!!! He looks like Magneto's crazy older Brother and that creeps me out a bit too!

So, I can't say that I'm rooting for anyone at this point... I just know I'm not rooting for Hillary!!!


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