Sunday, September 03, 2006

You really can't go home again (to Springfield, Missouri)

According to the Springfield News-Leader and Press ( Local Barber, Terry Lawson wants to expand his business so that two of his family members (including my old High School Pal, Jeff) can cut hair alongside him and help to accommodate more customers.

Well, the big, bad City Government of Springfield, Missouri is making up excuses and dragging their feet on permits in hopes that Terry will give up on the dream that his Father started some 48 years ago.

I spent plenty of Saturday mornings in Lawson's Barber Shop while in my youth; either getting my hair cut, or waiting to get it cut. Truth is, some Saturdays I didn't want to go because I would rather have been watching "SuperFriends" or "Scooby-Doo." When Harley (Terry's Dad)
caught wind of the fact that some of his younger patrons didn't want to miss cartoons to come in for haircuts, he installed a 9 inch TV and beefed up his collection of comic books. (Knowing full well that Saturday mornings were the best days for Moms and Dads to bring their School age boys to get a cut or a trim).

As I grew older I befriended Harley's Daughter, Jill and became friends with several members of the Lawson family, including Cousin Steve, who later became my best friend. (Ironically, another friend of mine, Jeff, would later grow up to marry Jill...small world, Springfield Mo! And who is coincidentally, the same Jeff who is wanting to work with Terry in his expanded shop!)

So now the city doesn't know what to make of this small family business that has been a success story in spite of all of the "Fantastic Sams" etc...7 day salons that are in competition with Terry and his family's Shop. So rather than give Terry a chance, they'd rather just squash his dreams.

Shame on you, whoever you are! I don't know who is in charge of the red tape in Springfield City Government, but be careful because it is situations like this that may find you bound up in your own red tape!

Good luck Terry, Jeff and Family... I wish for you only the very best!


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