Sunday, October 15, 2006

Emotional Rescue

Okay, so maybe I'm feeling a bit emotional after watching 9.5 hours of Buck O'Neil memorials on TV, and so what if I got teary-eyed at Filmmaker Ken Burns' assessment of Buck's life? Hey! I loved Buck O'Neil and I love baseball...and I love a good speech when I hear, give me a break!

On top of that, Pastor Fred had yet another of his brilliant sermons know the kind, the ones that make you want to go out and change the world. During his sermon he showed a video about a young autistic boy named Jason, who never knew he couldn't change the world.
(or his world at the very least). I found the video online by googling "Jason autistic basketball Rochester" and it brought me to CBS news who had at least 4 videos on him at their site.

Pastor Fred said it was okay to complain to God (in the right way) and that God often helps us find our greatest strengths in our weaknesses. (David and Goliath being a prime example)

(which also reminds me of the great Steven Curtis Chapman song that says "I've got to keep my eyes on Jesus through the Weak Days...")

I think the goal of Fred's message was for us to "Take Action," which I think is what Buck O'Neil's philosophy was as well. Here was a man who was denied the right to play in the major leagues; denied his place in the baseball hall of fame (which will forever be a bone of contention with don't even get me started!) and still had not an angry or hateful thought or moment of regret.

I'm all over the map on this stuff today...but I find that sometimes just meandering around in thoughts is somewhat cathartic...don't you agree? Those of you who know me know that I talk this way too... I can be discussing politics, religion and "Green Acres" in the same paragraph and still find time to lament the problems in Iraq, the price of gas, and the fact that food preservatives are killing us. (I might even work in a pun or two so that I don't sound offense to you, Pastor Fred!)

So, here I sit...a bit sad at the loss of a great man, Buck O'Neil...and still I stand ready for action.
I want to change the world...(at least my little portion of it) I want to make someone happy and proud. I want to make someone smile and laugh. I want to lead by example and follow God's word. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus through the "Weak Days" cause even on the weak days he'll make me strong...


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