Monday, October 23, 2006

Had Enough??? Have you???

Okay... so I've got to tell you that I'm really sick of all of the political ads. All of them! Right, Left, name it! At the moment I'm not too enthused about this election. Yes, I know who and what I'm voting for, but after watching hours of commercials and debates and such I've decided that what I look for in a candidate is no experience whatsoever!

(Yes, I'm kidding!) I just wish there were more Dave Hellings (KC STAR), Michael Mahoneys (Channel 9 KMBC Kansas City) and that guy at KY3.COM in Springfield, Missouri to tell us who is telling the truth.

So far all I know is that some of Clair's ads are false. Some of Talent's ads are misleading. The Springfield paper says vote no on #2 and the St. Louis paper says vote yes. Everyone has an opinion and the other side is dead wrong.

The only problem with this theory is that one political party cannot be correct all of the time!
I tend to vote Republican and plan on voting that way 99.9 percent this election, save for Mike Sanders, who is the one Democrat I want to vote for this time.

I rarely vote straight ticket, but don't see much of an option this time other than Sanders. This brings me to the "Had Enough? Vote Democrat" crowd. Yes, I'm rather unhappy that this Congress hasn't done more, but the Democrats had the House and the Senate for more than 40 years and accomplished next to nothing, and yet they want to hold the Republicans to a higher standard than they were willing to reach for themselves?

Granted, the Republicans have dropped the ball....A LOT! However, if the Democrats want to go digging for scandals they'd better be sure they don't uncover some of their own...many of which might make the Foley scandal seem rather tame.

This "Had Enough" crowd is probably the same group that touted "Anybody but Bush" which if anyone seriously believed that slogan I have some land for you off the coast of Florida that I'd love to sell you. Please!!! Mistaken laden though this administration has been, you can't tell me that Bush has been worse than Carter, Ford or Fillmore for that matter!

In our country's past we have had a worse economy, worse wars and worse crime. Worse drug problems, worse etc.... and more worse etc.... (fill in the blank) and sometimes all at the same time! The only thing that I think is worse this go-round is the sense of hatred spewing from the left. Whatever happened to "Hate is not a family value?"

We have countdown to eviction calendars (anti-Bush), We have "Bushisms," we have Bush T-shirts calling him a Terrorist and killer...(Did anyone wear those during the Truman administration when we blew up a good portion of the civilian population of a certain country?)
Did we have country singers calling any President a "F-Head" or telling him to go "F" himself?
No, because regardless of who our leader was, we still respected the office that he held and exhibited a certain amount of manners and decorum with our "free speech."

Do I think, as some people do, that we are a country that is failing? Going down the drain? Causing all the world to hate us? No.... I do think we're a spoiled lot and that we need to grow up a bit, but do I think we're corrupt? Rotten? Killers? Maybe the people who are saying that have a problem with low self image, but I still see a country where freedom exists...where people can still come from all over the world to seek out and live a dream. I still see the greatest country in the world!

Can we do better? Of course! And we should strive every day to be a better people and country! But we need to start from within and make changes within ourselves. We can't expect our leaders or country to change if we don't do the same ourselves. Get something positive instead of sitting around griping or badmouthing our leaders... Take Action! Write letters to elected officials....Pray for our country and our elected officials...put signs in your for office....VOTE!

Don't tell me that your vote or your opinion doesn't make a difference!!! MAKE THEM MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

And another thing....don't assume the other side is stupid just because you don't agree with them. They have their reasons for voting the way they doesn't make them stupid or "Wrong," it just makes them different. As long as they're pulling their weight by voting and not just throwing their weight around...MORE POWER TO THEM!

Good night and May God Bless America!



chade66 said...

I am also sick to death of the ads. Currently, I'm thinking that Kansas should just annex MO in its entirety, since Sebelius's ads are the only ones I have seen that are all positive.

I'm amazed that people are so disengaged from the political process in some respects, but not in others. Its hard to see where one person's opinion makes a difference, but the only voice you really get is the one that you choose to have.

Say nothing and the politicians hear nothing, and go as before.

So when something makes you mad or worried, let them, most have websites that make it easy to email them. They can only go off of what they hear.

Michele said...

Some of the ads are so crazy you really can't believe either party and they bash each other so much. Democratics blame Republicans and vice versa they should take individual blame for their actions and not put it off on the party that they belong to

Dave said...

The sad thing is that I'm even sick of the people I plan to vote for!!!

Part of the reason Sebelius's ads are positive is that she knows she's going to win. In cases where there is no contest there isn't much reason for debate...

I'm not sure if that's good or not... but I do like the positive ads.