Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I'm trying to avoid any political comments in this entry, although I will say that I think the Republicans need to send John Kerry a thank you note, much in the way that the Democrats should for Mr. Foley... nuff said?

This has been a horrible week! The washing machine is dying...we may have termites...and Jared pitched a rock through the back window of our van. (The reason I say pitched is that the day before he had pitched 8 perfect strikes from the "big kid's line" at the Church carnival.) He pitched so well that the little league coach who was manning the booth said that even though he coaches 9 and 10 year olds, Jared could come play for him. (nice compliment, but it didn't pay for the window....)

So, how about those Cardinals? Good job! A Missouri team wins! Next year, the Royals!!!

I should also say Thank you to God and Pastor Daniel and Pastor Fred because they are working hard to make my life a lot better. Not that it is bad, but they're working to make things better for all of us. My family, and our community are better for knowing them.

Halloween was fun but cold. Dustin was some sort of rock star/underworld guy and Jared was a Hip Hop Rappin' Dude. Pretty simple outfits, but they got a lot of positive comments. (and way too much candy!)

I'm ready to celebrate the Birth of Christ, but not ready for all of the hustle and hassle that the Holiday brings. I'm going to try to take a few minutes every day to remember what we are celebrating! You should as might make you feel better and take some of the pressure off!

Have a good weekend,


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