Thursday, November 16, 2006

1st Post Election Blog and I've nothing to say...

Okay, so the Republicans lost...big deal! I'll miss Talent in the Senate and would have preferred that he lost to almost anyone other than Claire, but you know what? As Shakespeare once said "It ain't the end of the world."

So we took a few hits...whatever doesn't kill us will make us stronger, right? I'm miffed about the Stem Cell initiative, because if people had even bothered to read it they never would have voted for it! "Vote for a Cure" is what they were told... or should I say, "Sold?"

It's time for the Democrats to put up or shut up... Can they do a better job? I hope so... We'll see...

On to more fun things! Basketball season is here! Yea! Both of the kids have started practicing and I'm looking forward to some games!

We went to a KC Chiefs event this past Tuesday for Cub Scouts that turned out to be not-all-that-great. It was crowded...way too crowded! We were told to have one parent per Scout, not one seven-member-family per Scout...which meant that while our Scouts were waiting in line to complete various tasks for a merit badge, someone's 3-year-old brother was taking a turn!
Jared seemed to enjoy the tasks, but waiting in line for 25 minutes several times in one night is not my idea of a good time!

Christmas is almost here and as is usually the case, I am broke! We were doing okay until car trouble, washing machine trouble, car trouble and car trouble occurred. Whoopee!
So anyway, I'm hoping things iron out soon!

Enough depressing stuff.... Until next time...


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