Monday, October 09, 2006

Life and nothing but...

So this past week was "hectic" if I may say so... We had something going on every night of the week and I was beat by the time Friday arrived. So what did I do? I took Jared camping with the Scout troop!

It was fun....but it was also very COLD! The next morning we got up and did about a million activities before we broke camp at noon and headed home. Once there, I took a nap, then a shower and then got ready to go work at that Bookstore I work at.

When I got home (midnight) I finally settled in to read the paper, only to discover that Buck O'Neil had died. (Read my nice vs. nasty Celeb column if you don't know who he is....) I may even have my Buck O'Neil column on here somewhere as well. (I digress, but Greinke finally did send the boys some autographs, so kudos to him for stepping up!)

I went to bed depressed and very tired. Woke up late on Sunday...Sher didn't feel well so Dustin and I did the Church thing. Pastor Fred was on the money once again and then gave his opinion on the Stem Cell issue. Needless to say, we both agree that "No" would be the best way to go on #2. Watched the "Great debate" between Claire and Talent and came away underwhelmed. I think Talent will win, and why not? He's a good guy! I don't trust Claire, and I loved watching her squirmy answer to Tim Russert's question about her comments that Bush left black people to die during Katrina. (She said maybe she could have said something better... duh!!!???)

Jared had a baseball game Sunday afternoon and after hitting a home run, he shouted to his teammates "I got a home run, Baby...go tell your Sisters!" (I have no idea where he got that, but he got a big laugh!)

Today was a 12 hour day at the LIBERRY and now I think my ongoing cough has become a cold... GREAT! Tonsillitis, allergies, and this week: A COLD! (Do I know how to have fun, or what?)

Anyhow....I'm beat again and it is only MONDAY! How will this week go? Do I really want to be a part of it? Why can't I be rich enough to just live at Disney World....


1 comment:

Dave said...

Wow, Dr. Whoami,

I must say that I appreciate your investment in replying to my blog.

Amazed am I at the depth of your answer and I'm overwhelmed at your response. Is it enough to say "thank you" for your input?
