Friday, May 25, 2007

Clothing Optional Pirate Nerds

One of my jobs is located next to a megaplex movie theater that shows all of the latest and most popular films. One of the unfortunate things about this is that within the past several years, people have taken to "dressing up" like some of their favorite characters when going to see some of these movies.

"Harry Potter," "Star Trek," "Star Wars," "The Matrix" and several others now have a fervent following who like to don character duds before trekking off to the theater. "The Matrix" goths were a sullen, pain-in-the-butt group of teens, tweens and adult/adolescents who did nothing but get in the way of real customers.

The "Potteristas" were nerdy, smart, giddy kids who skipped and jumped and hopped about the store as if high on chocolate frogs (I think I got that right, having never read the books!) The "Star Wars" crew was a laid-back group that just wanted a few laughs and a good movie.

Last night's Pirate wannabes were a sorry and scurvy lot. Wenches sauntered through the store while goofy looking Pirate lads ogled their wares. One of the wenches weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 280 pounds, was pale and lumpy and wearing a no bra under a semi see-through halter top that barely contained her, uh... chest. (to be honest there was so much free swinging movement it looked like a dog fight staged under a blanket!)

By wearing (kind of) a halter top, this left her stomach (stomachs?) to protrude and hang down way onto what would have been her lap (if she'd had one). Stuck right in the middle of her manhole sized belly-button was some sort of jewelry that looked like a jewel incrusted bathtub drain plug.

She was accompanied by a foppish young man that one of my co-workers referred to as a "Swish-buckler," and several other young "women" dressed almost as frightening as her.
Point number one is that she should have never left the house in this outfit. Point number two is "When did every movie opening become an excuse to relive your childhood Halloween?"

If the store had caught fire during the evening (Heaven forbid!) We would have gotten rid of half the nerds in the was that bad! They weren't particularly rude or stupid, it's just that "C'mon! You're adults now, ACT LIKE IT!!!"

Don't get me started on the "Star Trek" idiots....


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