Wednesday, May 23, 2007


First let me say that I don't watch "The View." I have seen a few episodes long ago, pre-Rosie and was not that impressed. I did like Meredith, but now she's off playing with Matt on another network.

Every day I hear about Rosie and her comments and feuds with others... bombastic Donald, Sweet, pure Elizabeth, President Bush... She seems to have an axe to grind with EVERYONE who doesn't follow her around like a puppy. (that would be you, Tom Cruise).

I never cared for her much as an entertainer, and from what I hear now she's not that entertaining... so, she is a "Paris Hilton" type who is in the news just because she wants to be in the news. (which DOES NOT mean that she is newsworthy!)

I don't know if she called our troops "Terrorists," but the fact that many Americans believe that she did should tell you what a lot of people think of her.

She strikes me as more Bully than comedian or commentator.


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