Friday, June 13, 2008

All this and Baseball too?

This week was one of the most interesting, stressful, fun, wacky and unpredictable weeks I've ever had...

First came the rains, and with it came the leaky roof. My roof is only 6 years old, but since the big storm (that wasn't a tornado and yet somehow managed to blow entire buildings away!) we've become a bit waterlogged.

Water in the bedroom ceiling, water in the light above the kitchen sink, and almost non-stop rain outside. So much rain in fact, that Jared has had two games canceled this week alone.

The one really good day we had weather-wise this week was YESTERDAY! As it just so happens, yesterday I won the biggest prize I've ever won in a radio contest on 980 KMBZ in Kansas City. WWW.KMBZ.COM

The day before I got a call that informed me that I was the winner of "Take your office to the "K" Day" ("K" is short for Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals). WWW.KCROYALS.COM

So I had about 24 hours to give away 50 tickets to an afternoon baseball game. About 30 people from the Library where I work said they'd that left me with 20. I called around a few people and then I ended up giving away about 10 tickets to parents and kids on Jared's baseball team.

I then decided that I would hand out the rest for free in front of the stadium as people were walking up to buy tickets. (which garnered me some really interesting responses from people!) Two people practically begged me to take money for the tickets, but I stood firm! I got them free, they'd get them free too!

So then we go inside the stadium (co-worker, Michele and I) and get to our seats and meet up with KMBZ'S Nicole, and on-air personalities (and News People) E.J. and Ellen, who join us for the game. They could not have been nicer! Nicole then hands me a bag filled with coupons for free goodies at the game... so, not only have they paid for parking and tickets to get in, but now, all of my friends and co-workers get $13.00 worth of spending "money" to buy food and pop with. TOO COOL!
(I even gave coupons to the people we gave tickets too...and they tried again to pay me!!!)

I've got to say that it was a lot of fun going and being able to "give away" all of the cool stuff. I'd never have been able to do that sort of thing on my own. The game was great! We beat the RANGERS 6-5 and even had Navy Frogmen Parachute into the stadium before the game.

One of the kids from the ball team, who I'm not sure had ever been to a game, seemed like he had a good time along with his family members who came too. And guess what??? No rain!!!

It was a cool day, and all of us that got to play hooky from work and got to eat cool stadium food...(it actually was good!) and drink pop and watch baseball... We had a good time! So thanks to E.J. Ellen Nicole and the rest of the KMBZ staff who I sadly cannot remember their names!!!! But thank you anyway! We love you all!

And we got all of this and baseball too!


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