Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A letter to my Sons

Someday when you're all grown up you'll understand.
Being a kid is tough...but being a Dad is even tougher.
When you're a kid, you can't wait to grow up...
But once you're grown up, you wish you were a kid again.

Sometimes I yell.
Sometimes I get angry with you.
Sometimes I'm right when I do this
and Sometimes I'm wrong.

Sometimes you listen
Sometimes you don't
Many times it seems you just don't care
When I know that inside, you do...

You forget that I was a kid once too.
Granted, I didn't have the same problems as you do,
But you'd be surprised how similar many of them are.
When I say that you don't understand...you don't!
Because I really only want what's best for you.

Don't give up... Don't give in...
Be strong, be brave, be smart and be happy.
Know when to ask for help, and yet be brave enough to try on your own.
Don't give up... I'd rather see you fall on your face trying,
Instead of never trying at all.

You want to be smarter than me... Please do so...
You want to be tougher than me...be my guest...
But use your brains
Use your skills
Be better than I am, that's all I ever want from you.

You have more chances and opportunities out there than I did.
Take advantage of them. Be your Best!
You're smart, funny, good looking and talented...
Show the world how smart, funny, good looking and talented you are.

You'll make mistakes...
I did
I still make them every day
Some of them I've even perfected!

I get mad at you sometimes...just like you get mad at me...
But I'll never stop loving you
You're never too old for a hug, or a pat on the back
You may let me down sometimes, but my love for you
Never decreases...

When I see you struggle
I only love you more
I want to see you help yourself
And I'll be right there with you
In case "yourself" isn't enough.

Be someone that other people are proud to know
Be an example to everyone, even strangers
Smile even if you don't feel like it
Be thankful to God for all that you have
Even if it seems like sometimes you don't have all that much.

You are the only "YOU" that you have
You're the only "YOU" that I have
I wouldn't trade you for the world
As my Mom used to say
"I brought you into this world...
And I'll take you out of it..."
(HA! My Mom's a joker, you know, but she got the first part right)

I love you during the darkest days
and during your proudest, brightest moments.
You're my Son...
And I love you...



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