Saturday, November 08, 2008

I've traded my mood swings for a mood playground

I swore I wouldn't let the outcome of the election upset me...and really so far, it hasn't. HOWEVER, the attitude of people and their reaction to the election has eroded my positive thoughts all week long.

I was talking to my friends K, G and M and they all agree with me to some extent that people have been taking this thing way to far. I actually had someone tell me that the world seemed brighter and better since the election and that things were instantly going to get better. Hmmm....wonder how that works? There have been some amazing Presidents in the past, but I can't recall any of them magically changing the entire world and it's attitude (and weather) in one day. How is that possible? (or logical even?)

This person (who is a friend) went on to say that we just couldn't take anymore of Bush and that it could never get any worse than him and his years in the White House...

Now, I consider myself an optimist in almost every sense of the word, but even I realize that it could always get worse...CASE IN POINT: The day after the elections, the Russians threatened the United States. That could make things A LOT WORSE!
The economy, which I believe will rebound, could always tank even more so than it has already! What if retail sales and the Stock Market dive during the Christmas Season??? HMMM...what then? Wouldn't that be worse???

Then, another friend of mine started dogging on how stupid Sarah Palin is. Okay, so she gave a couple of bad interviews and now she's stupid? Didn't Tim Russert (a Liberal) once say that someday the Democrats would have to learn that their opponents opinions were different than theirs, but not stupid. Can't we just agree to disagree without labeling everyone as "stupid?" I mean, with all of the Biden Gaffes out there this political season, he would have to be Einstein twice removed!!!

Then yet another friend of mine joined a "Countdown to Bush being out of office club" on Facebook, which might be funny to some people, but just seems tacky to me...I mean, come on! The election was the biggest slap in the face they could have given him. Can't people just be happy with the results and let the poor guy crawl away?

Obama won by about 3 million votes... almost half of the people who voted in Tuesday's Election didn't vote for him... So I fail to see how the world is going to change overnight. I'll give him a chance and I'll give him time to make some changes...and I do sincerely hope he changes things for the better...but for far... nothing has changed. In fact, it may have gotten colder.


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