Monday, April 07, 2008

John McCain, KU Basketball, Jared, Dustin and Me

So today I was on my way to work when they announced on the radio that John McCain was speaking in town and would be having lunch at the Kansas City Club. My first thought was "SHOOT!" because where I work is right across the street from the Kansas City Club. I was wishing I'd brought my camera.

Around 11:40 I was working and looked out the window to see a dark suburban pull up outside. I told Michele and Paul, two of my co-workers, that I thought the Senator had arrived. We went outside onto the sidewalk, and out of the SUV popped John McCain, looking younger and shorter in person than he does on TV. He seemed friendly and was smiling and waving... I thought it was kind of neat from my vantage point 20 feet away.

I got back to my office later and called the Parks and Rec department to see how Jared had ended up doing on his Junior Olympic Competition, and as it turns out...he got first place! He goes to regionals in May! Please excuse the previous post on this blog...something is wrong with the video and we're trying to fix it...

Dustin is taking music lessons from our friend, John...who is also nice enough to be teaching Jared a few things on the guitar. We went to his house on Sunday and listened to his band rehearse...THEY'RE REALLY, REALLY GOOD! Anyway, he's working on the bass with Dustin.
John's a great guy and a good musician and a decent singer too!

Tonight Jared and I rooted for KU...(Hey, we're really MU fans, but they weren't in the playoffs!) KU had us worried until they tied it up with 2.1 seconds left and then went on to win the game! WHEW!

Just a side note... Tomorrow is the Royals Home Opener.... GOOD LUCK GUYS! BEAT THOSE YANKEES!


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