Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Should old acquaintence be forgot

I recently went back through some old e-mails and came across one from noted Author David L. Robbins (Author of "War of the Rats," "End of War," "Scorched Earth" and one of my all time favorites, "Souls to Keep") After reading it, I had to chuckle because David's e-mails are always intelligent, insightful and very witty.

I thought to myself, "Self, Why don't you e-mail him back? It's been a couple of years...what the heck? Just write and say Howdy."

I met Mr. Robbins about ten years ago at a seminar on "new authors" that was being held at the American Library Association's annual meeting in the Nation's Capitol. He was reading and signing copies of his first book "Souls to keep" which is the story of a woman trying (more or less) to solve her own murder. It's funny, it's romantic, it's touching and has baseball in, it really is the perfect book.

Long story not-so-short...soon after returning to the Kansas City area and reading the book, I posted a review of it on where I raved and raved about said book. Soon after, I received a very nice thank-you e-mail from Mr. Robbins in appreciation of my opinion. I responded back, and we began to regularly exchange emails about writing, baseball and other noteworthy things.

So, it's been fun re-writing to David L. Robbins, and hopefully soon I can read his newest book "The Betrayal Game," which looks intriguing and action-packed. (To be honest, I've liked all of his books and someday I hope he can say the same about mine if I ever actually publish one!)

In the meantime, read anything and everything by David L. Robbins and visit his website at . His books are available online and at your nearest Barnes & Noble.

Good to hear from you, Dave... keep writing!


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