Monday, April 24, 2006

Kansas City Royals...who says they stink?

Okay, so last weekend (not the one that just ended, but the one previous), Jack Harry, a local "Sports Guy" for the NBC station here in K.C. was going on and on about the death of the KC Royals and how the season was over...

It was all I could do to keep from climbing through the TV screen and smacking him one...(not that I would, cause that would not be very Christian of me...but I was thinkin' it real hard!)
Anyway, that was just one week after we had beat the Chi Sox twice!!! You've heard of them, right? The number one team in the American League? We beat them!

So then this weekend (yesterday and the day before) we somehow managed to beat the Indians...(wait, aren't they the number two team in the American League Central? How could that have happened?)

Well, Jack Harry and the rest of you doubters, shame on YOU! The Royals may not be out of the woods yet, but speaking as someone who was at the game yesterday...(in fantastic seats too, I might add...thanks, Gary!) They played everything as close to perfect as I've seen them play in years...and this was without Sweeney producing, and without Sanders and DeJesus on the field! Now, how is that possible, Jack Harry? The worst team in BASEBALL HISTORY just kicked the butts of two of the most formidable teams this season. Oh, must have been an accident...oops, I bet the Royals didn't even mean to win, did they?

Clam up Jack!...why don't you adopt a wait and see attitude before you start dissing my boys in blue? I can't wait to get back out there and see them play again! Until then, I'll just be here singing "Take me out to the ballgame...."



Heith said...

It's really, really strange how we can be less than two dozen games into the season, and some people are ready to hang it up already. That kills me. And a sportscaster, of all people. His comments were just irresponsible.

Dave said...

Thanks guys for the feedback... I'm glad you all feel that way too.

It's stupid for people to bail so early on...(or at all for that matter).

Thanks again, and keep reading and writing!
