Thursday, August 10, 2006

Why am I blogging when I should be asleep

Okay, I have insomnia...
I've read the newspaper...
I've checked my e-mail...
I had a snack...
Now I'm blogging...
Please just let me get some sleep!


Heith said...

Insomnia? At 9:59 p.m.?

I wouldn't say you have insomnia. I would say you have a life.

Dave said...

for some strange reason, the times are off on these was 2:00 AM when I wrote this one...

One of the other blog listings says 5:00 something in the morning...I DON'T THINK SO!!!

But thanks for the support Heith-man...

Heith said...

You can go into your dashboard's settings and specify the time zone you're living in. Otherwise it just shows up as whatever default they've got going.

But 2 a.m. would be pushing it, even for me. Even I don't like to be up that late on a school night.