Friday, January 19, 2007

People I wouldn't invite to a party

The following people would never be invited to a party at my house:
(Because I'm really sick and tired of them)

1. Hitler---(don't you think he'd ruin the mood?)
2. Paris Hilton---(unless I was having a "Girl's gone wild theme party" which is VERY unlikely)
3. Rosie O'Donnell---(every day in every way I like her less)
4. K-Fed and Britney---(do I really need to list a reason? C'mon! It's so obvious!)
5. Gilbert Gottfried---(I don't want anyone there who is louder than the music)
6. Mel Gibson---(I don't serve alcohol at parties)
7. Donald Rumsfeld---(He got bombed at my last party)
8. Donald Trump---(If I'm having a dip at my party, I'd like it to be ranch)
9. Lindsey Lohan---(Who used to be cute and talented...Get a Grip on yourself Woman!)
and finally...
10.Tom Cruise---(Cause he won't stay off the furniture)

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