Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Land of Confusion

Brad Pitt...formerly of Springfield, Missouri....formerly a singer in the Choir at South Haven Baptist Church....has said that he and Angelina Jolie will not marry as long as the United States continues to forbid Gay Marriage.

What does this say to me? That Brad Pitt is an upstanding citizen who is only looking out for the best interests of his fellow citizens???


That Brad Pitt places the problems and concerns of the world before his own wants and needs?


That Brad Pitt has renounced his Baptist upbringing and is now wallowing in sin?

(part of me wants to answer "maybe" to that one, but I try not to judge...)

That Brad Pitt is phobic? (not Homophobic...but committment-phobic)

Yep, that's what it looks like to me!

First of all let's look at the facts. 1. Brad Pitt has already been married once 2. He's involved with crazy-as-a-loon Angelina Jolie...(you know, she sleeps with knives and once wore a vial of Billy Bob Thorton's blood around her neck) oh, and she was MARRIED TO BILLY BOB THORTON!!! IS THAT CRAZY ENOUGH FOR YA? 3. This just reeks of publicity stunt

I mean, really... Brad is starting to come off as a bit of a flake, isn't he? So what's one more goofy stance or statement going to do? After all, he's never going to be considered as weird as Tom Cruise, is he? Sure, he can go on about the environment and drive his hybrid car, only to fly in a private jet and drive a range rover on the weekends... He's committed to saving the Earth! He's committed to Gay Rights!!! He just can't commit to marrying the woman that had his baby...

Brad Pitt...formerly of Springfield, Missouri...formerly a "normal" guy...and formerly a guy who made sense!

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