Monday, February 12, 2007

What I Miss...

About once a year I go through kind of a homesick phase...and while I'm not sure if that is the case today, I'm still feeling a bit nostalgic for certain things.

These things (or in some cases, people...) may have been things I saw or did yesterday, but still can't seem to feel a bit lonesome for...

Maybe it's a mid-life crisis or a bit of the blues...but in any event, I miss the following: (in no particular order or level of importance...)

My Grandma (who will be having a birthday very soon!)


Playing kick ball

Tire Swings

Waking up without a backache

Buck O'Neil (the late, great baseball player)

Drinking water straight out of an open tap

Falling in love with my Wife for the first time


My Friends and Family who have passed away

People with Manners

Watching my kids learn to walk and talk

George Burns

Johnny Carson

Jimmy Stewart


The Ocean

When Luke was a puppy and used to sleep in the laundry basket (now he's twice as big as the laundry basket!!!)

A life without bills

The simplicity of childhood

The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman

The smell of peaches

Walking in the woods

Seeing my Mom and Dad on a regular basis

My friend, Steve

Onion Rings at the Strafford Drive-In

Cashew Chicken

Mrs. Anderson

Nat King Cole's music

Warm Breezes

Spot, Ginger, Puppy, Bear, Toby, Laddie, Katie, Snoops, Dickens, Snoopy, Blackjack and all the dogs I've loved and lost over the years... (and my horses, Dreamer and Lassie too!)

The Fried Mushrooms Grandma Cox used to make

Watching Grandpa Fry dance

Aunt Muriel baking brownies

Driving my friend, Jeff's convertible right after I got my license

All day movie marathons with all of my friends

The good old days

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