Wednesday, June 06, 2007

J. Eddie's Six Pack O Sin

Far be it from me to question someone's faith, but recently several Democratic Presidential Candidates were asked about their faith and the responses seemed rather "Panderous."

Sen. Clinton: Faith got me through marital strife -*

Hillary said the above, while J. Eddie (John Edwards whom I've given this boyishly Preppy nickname) said that he both "Sins and Prays" every day.

As a Christian I know that we are all Sinners and that we have the potential to sin every day, but the way Edwards puts it makes it sound as if he puts away some time every day to pray (as he/we should), and that he saves up some special time for sinning.

I know that isn't what he meant (or at least I hope so), but These politicians (ALL OF THEM) have got to realize what they're saying and stop making these flip statements just because they sound good. (or popular as the case may be...)

So in closing I do want to say that I honestly hope Hillary has faith in God, and that John Edwards is praying every day (and working to cut back on his "sin" time). A President with Faith in God is important and should be treated with importance and not in an offhanded way.


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