Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter and more Uncle troubles...Oh yeah, and Springfield gets Whacked by another storm

Easter was nice, although a bit cold. We could have frozen the eggs rather than hard boil them. But still, it was a nice day. Church was good...as always and good for us too! It was packed to the walls and the music was great, and Pastor Fred was right on target with his sermon...

Sherry's Uncle, Dennis had a stroke... so we're now up to three Uncles who've been sidelined in the past month... Dennis is doing well and Rod and Bill are recovering nicely...so our prayers have been heard...

Springfield, Missouri seems to have done something to tick off the big guy... I'm not sure what's up with Springfield, but every tornado, ice storm and flood seems to hit them (and hit them hard!) All they need now is an Earthquake, plague of locusts or fire and I think they'll have all their bases covered. GEEZ!

To our Family and Friends in Springfield... Hang in there...better days are coming soon!


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