Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stuff, stuff and more stuff

Creative title, huh? I never know what to title these things... maybe next time I'll call it "Untitled" out of frustration or just to add a dash of mediocrity. So, I've been worried about my upcoming surgery a bit...have you?

Not so much the surgery or recovery part of it, which is what I should really be worried about, but mostly because of the anesthesia...

What? You ask... why are you worried about that? Well, given the fact that during and/or after my four previous surgeries, I have had, shall we say "adverse" reactions to the meds I've been given.

Adverse??? You ask. Why, yes...adverse! As in, barfing non-stop...shaking...numbness...fever...barfing non-stop. (I mention this twice to get across the point that it really was NON-STOP!!!) In fact, after my first shoulder surgery, I was kept under observation for several hours because they could not find a reason for or a cure for my NON-STOP BARFING!!!

Enough of that...that is my only worry other than the price of gas, which passed $4.00 today here in Kansas City. My Reaction? YIKES!

On the good news front, I got to go to yet another Royals game this past weekend, and although they played pretty well for the most part, they lost. It was still a fun day. I went with my baseball-lovin' Son, Jared and my In-Laws. We had GREAT seats and I still had a bunch of free food coupons and souvenir coupons, so we snacked a bit and Jared got an Alex Gordon Penant to go in his room.

On the other good news front... Sherry and I have now been married for 19 years as of today! Whooo Hooo! And a pretty good nineteen years it has been! I still love her madly and think she's the most stunning creature on this planet. Why does she still love me? You ask??? She has a thing for chubby bald guys who have a strange sense of humor, a deep love of God and family and really bad knees. THAT'S WHY!

So, have yourself a nice little evening. I'm taking my Wife out to dinner!


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