Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All the news that isn't

Clay Aiken is Gay? Really? I had no idea! this news? It's on every news website there is today. Why is this news at all? Everyone already had a pretty good idea that he was... oh well...whatever... I don't care if he is or not, I just hope that he doesn't become the next Celebrity on a mission like Brad Pitt, who seems to want to adopt the world and provide money for gay marriages...all in the same day!

It's been a gay week in the news... ABC.COM reports that there are now more gay characters on television than ever before. Hmmm... this is news? I don't see them saying "There are more skinny people on television now than ever before..." You know why? Most people really don't care. You're either going to watch the shows that have gay people on them, or you aren't.

It's like the show "Brothers and Sisters" which is a show that Sherry loves and I hate. I watched a few episodes of it when it first started, mostly because there are two or three actors from "Alias" on there, plus a few other decent actors too... but then the show got splintered into all these dopey categories... Sally Field's kids were "GAY," "ALCOHOLIC," "REPUBLICAN" (I like how they treat the Daughter being Republican as a "problem"), "Being cheated on by their spouse," "Cheating on their spouse" and so on... Each of her kids is an afterschool special or a movie of the week all on their own!

But I digress... in other "NEWS" Lindsey Lohan has a Girlfriend... Wait, she's Gay? Oh Man! I used to think she was cute and she's troubled, drugged up and lesbian! Darn!

Steven Spielberg (along with Pitt) is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid lobbying efforts to promote gay marriage. He lives in California doesn't he? Gay marriage is already allowed there...can't he just be happy with that? Oh, isn't he the one who used to do ads for Boy Scouts and then later disowned the Scouts because they won't allow Gay Scout Leaders? Wow, he really is into gay rights... Has he met Clay or Lindsey?

I don't have anything against gay people...I just don't agree with singling out people when we're supposed to view everyone as the same. What gay people do in their own homes is their own business and none of mine...but I don't have to agree with it or be told that I have to agree with it.

In the news today there was a story about a giant pig terrorizing a woman in Australia... NOW THAT'S NEWS!


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