Saturday, March 17, 2007

Kinda Tired

Hi, just me....still kind of tired from having my guts kicked around by this illness I'm fighting...
Went to the Doctor today and she said (GUESS WHAT???) That I'm doing way too much and not getting enough rest.

So in order for me to get well, I have to take more, stronger medicines and get some bed rest...
The sad thing is, I don't think that's even remotely possible.

Okay, so I thought that I might be dying yesterday and then I fell asleep in the afternoon and probably due to the painkillers, no one could wake me up and we missed going to the NAIA basketball tournament. (Sorry Jared!!!)

So today I slept a bit amidst the Doctor visits and trips to buy drugs at ye old Wal-Mart pharmacy. I'm missing a couple of days at that book store I work at, which will only bother me later when I see my teeny-tiny paycheck next Friday.

I rested some today and watched a couple of episodes of "Little Britain" that were not as funny and a lot more tacky than season #1. They seemed to be trying a bit too hard, although the bits with Lew and Andy were funny. (and the bits with the man dressed as a four hundred pound female exhibitionist were NOT!)

In any event, it was a rather lackluster day and now I'm kinda tired. Tomorrow is the big basketball tournament and Dustin's swan song as a basketball player. I'm proud of him, and just a bit sad that it's all coming to an end. I think he should try out next year, but he thinks not...
We'll fall off that bridge when we get to it...


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