Friday, March 23, 2007

Luke...a man's best friend

Today I try not to be sappy, sentimental or sad... This will take some doing because yesterday we received some bad news about our Dog, Luke.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bump on Luke's Right front leg. At first I thought maybe he'd been stung by something or had hurt himself on the fence. Feeling the bump, I noticed it was firm, yet a bit "squishy," so it seemed like a big blister or something. I decided I'd keep an eye on it.

A few days went by and it was time for Luke's bath. As I was washing him I felt a similar (in shape and size) bump on his right back thigh, and noticed he was developing another one on his right front paw. My first thought was that he had tumors, but since I'm no expert we decided to check with the vet.

Yesterday we took Luke to the vet...(barking, spraying saliva and shedding all the way!) Luke is always very happy and excited to ride in the car, and as soon as he sees us get his harness out he knows it's time for either a walk or a ride in the car. (Which in this dog's life is like a trip to Disney World!!! It's a REALLY BIG DEAL!!!)

So we soon discover that as eager as Luke is to get into the vet's office, he is not happy to give up a stool sample or blood and so a wrestling match begins between two vet assistants, Luke and myself. I thought he was going to have a heart attack as hard as he was breathing!!!

Anyway, the Doctor took fluid from the bumps and checked Luke all over. At first glance, Luke seems like the typically goofy, active, happy Lab that most of them seem to be. The Doctor said he didn't like the looks of the bumps and that he would call us as soon as the results came back.

At 8:00 last night, the Doctor called and gave us the news... "Cancer" is what he said.

My heart could this big, goofy dog have cancer? He said that Luke needed surgery, which of course will be expensive, and that we don't have a lot of time to wait, or a lot of options.

I broke the news to the kids and to Sherry and they were distraught to say the least.

Next week we plan to have the surgery and are hoping and praying for the best. I remember when Luke was a baby and would fall asleep on my chest, or would sneak into a basket of freshly folded sheets and take a nap. I remember him going on a running spell in the living room in which he ran round and round as fast as he could knocking lamps, pillows and books all over the room.

I love how when you ask him a question he barks as if he's answering, and I love the way he furrows his brow as if he's thinking the deepest of deep thoughts.

It's hard to write this knowing that Luke's future is in question. I don't know what I'll say to my Sons if things don't turn out well. Someone told us yesterday when we told them, that we should just go ahead and put him to sleep since he's already nine years old. Let me see them do that to their dog when a situation like this arises. How can you do that to a beloved member of your family?

If it looks like he's going to be suffering I would have to consider it, but only after I try everything else. After all, he's one of my best friends...

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