Saturday, September 22, 2007

David interviews David AGAIN!!!

DMC---Hi, we're back with another interview with David and I've got to say the last time was just a thrilling event for me.

David-Thanks, I feel the same. (laughs)

DMC-So, anything new going on?

David-It's been kind of a weird week, so let's not dwell on that...

DMC-Okay, I'll just toss out some random moments then...


DMC-What would you say is the worst thing you've ever seen?

David-Thanks, start with an easy one...(laughs). That's tough...I've seen a lot of horrible things in the news about Rwanda and Dar fur, but the single most shocking "picture" I've ever seen was in one of those "Year in Pictures" magazines that TIME or LIFE magazine puts out. It had to be the early to mid-1980's and they had this horrific picture of a kid who had tried to climb a fence to retrieve a baseball and he had fallen on this metal spire at the top of the fence. The spire entered under his chin and came out through his mouth... Now keep in mind this thing was like 8 inches long and pointed, so he's just hanging on this fence from his jawbone! They had to cut the fence and take it and him to the hospital on a flatbed truck and amazingly enough...he lived!

DMC-That's really gross!

David-Hey, you asked!

DMC-What's the best thing you've ever seen?

David-One Christmas, my former Boss, Jesse Pacheco and a group of us from the Library went to a local mission to pass out toys and goodies to the kids. Jesse's a big guy, with an even bigger heart and he's just perfect as Santa...

So, we had all donated money or food or toys, and we're passing them out and being totally broke at the time, I'd only been able to contribute about $5.00 at the time, so I'd gone out and bought all of these flavored candy canes...not the peppermint ones, but several other flavors.

I'd gotten about 5 boxes of them and I was handing them out and this absolutely beautiful little girl who was about 5 or 6 years old takes a couple from me and then looks up at me and says "Oh I like these!" She says and then goes running off to show her Mom.

We were there an hour or two and as we were getting ready to leave, she runs back over to me and hugs me really hard and tells me thank you and then, with her bright eyes and wide smile she looks up and says "This is my favorite present...I love you!"
"I love you too, sweetie" I said.

When I got home to tell Sherry about it, I cried.

DMC-That is a wonderful memory.

David-One of the best I have.

DMC-Let's go easy on the next couple of questions... What are your favorite movies?

David-Casablanca, Star Wars, Field of Dreams, Chariots of Fire and When Harry Met Sally.

DMC-Favorite songs?

David-Anything by Nat King Cole, Stephen Curtis Chapman or Chris Tomlin... "Hold on to the nights" by Richard Marx is "Our Song." Every couple should have a song, don't you think?

DMC-Hey, I'm asking the questions here!


DMC-What makes you most nervous?

David-Other than my kid's basketball or baseball games? Or driving in Kansas City traffic? I'd say the war in Iraq, finances, my health, and a lot of other things...

DMC-Favorite food?

David-Chicken Cordon Bleu is good... Cashew Chicken is a favorite... most potato dishes...

DMC-Any foods you hate?

David-I'm not a big fan of beer or coffee...are those foods? I don't care for eggs or raisins much.

DMC-Favorite Actor or Actress?

David-Of all time, Jimmy Stewart and Lucille Ball... Currently, I'd say Tom Hanks or Steve Martin and Ashley Judd and Reese Witherspoon.

DMC-TV Shows?

David-Did I answer that last time? I don't remember...anyway..."Lost," "Cheers," "Frasier," "The Office," "My name is Earl," "Scrubs," "30 Rock," "Heroes," "Hill Street Blues," "Bob Newhart" "Freaks and Geeks," "Brooklyn Bridge," "St. Elsewhere" and "Green Acres."

DMC-That's a lot!

David-My Dad worked in television for 40's in my blood!

DMC--Well, again...this was great! Thanks for your time but we're out of it!

David-You're out of my time?

DMC-You know what I mean... See ya!

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