Sunday, September 16, 2007

This is how we do it baby...

I'm not sure why I titled this entry that way, except to say that this is one of the titles of songs that have gotten stuck in my head over the past several weeks.

I hate it when songs stick in my skull... once in awhile they're really good songs, or at least catchy ones, like the theme to "Northern Exposure." Great TV show, catchy song too. Then there's "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega. Nothing bores through your brain quite like this tune...
"AAAAAAGHHHHH!" It's horrific! It reminds me of the scene in the movie "Star Trek the Wrath of Khan" where the ear worm monsters are entering Chekov's (SP?) brain through his ear and you hear him screaming. It's just like that...really!

A friend of mine at work, (and you know who you are MICHELE!) has Wham's song "Wake me up before you go-go" on her cell phone as a ringtone. Guess what happens when her phone rings? For three entire days after that happens, that horrid, putrid, sickening song is stuck in my brain! Thanks a heap Michele!!!

Some songs like "How great is our God" by Chris Tomlin, will stick in my head for a few days after church, but hey, that's okay...because by singing it in the car I'm praising God, right?
Of course, now I'm going to have to explain to God how I can blog George Micheal and Chris Tomlin in the same blog... Tomlin good, Michael bad...

Anything by Eva Cassidy that sticks is good...or Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Steven Curtis Chapman or Norah Jones. Heck, John Mayer and Richard Marx are okay too...occasionally the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or Amy Grant will stick around... but George Michael...that's a no go-go...


1 comment:

Michele said...

See how u are lol