Thursday, September 20, 2007

David interviews David: an in depth look behind the scenes of a blog

DMC- So I'm here today to interview David, the creator, writer and editor of "More of Dave's Generic Ramblings." How are you, David?

David- Not bad, actually...thanks for asking.

DMC- You sound like you might have a cold.

David- Now that you mention it, I have been fighting one for the last few days, but I am feeling better.

DMC- Let's get right to the questions, shall we?

David- Ask away!

DMC- So, tell us a little bit about yourself.

David- Well, I'm 42 years old, married for the past 18 years to my wonderful Wife, Sherry. We have two boys who we love and who keep us very, very busy! I keep busy working two jobs, and I like to write a bit from time to time as well as keeping busy in Scouts, Politics and Youth Sports...oh, and Church activities too... Maybe I should have mentioned that first! (laughs)

DMC- Wow, you do keep busy. What motivated you to get involved in politics?

David- Both of my parents were politically active and one of my most vivid memories as a kid was going to hear Bob Dole speak when he was the Republican nominee for Vice President along with Gerald Ford. My Parents were actually big Reagan supporters, but when Ford got the nomination over Reagan, they towed the party line. I still have video and audio tape of me interviewing Senator Dole for my school paper!

DMC- I can see why you'd remember that. It sounds interesting... So, is it safe to say you're a Republican?

David- I've always been pretty Conservative, although I'm more liberal than my parents will ever be! I tend to vote split ticket, but since Clinton was President I've become more of a Republican and if Hillary should ever win, I may have to take over Alec Baldwin's timeshare in Canada and then become the most Republican Republican that there ever was!!!

DMC- Who do you like in 2008?

David- As I saw who was running, I couldn't pick one person that I really connected with. I like that McCain is a war hero and I admire him for that, but don't like his stand on several issues.
Guliani is very good on the war on terror, but his waffling on other issues bothers me. Ron Paul is interesting, but too much of an isolationist... so I was just waiting for Thompson to enter the race. Now if he will pick J.C. Watts as a VP early on, I think they'll be unbeatable.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Scares me, Obama is charismatic but does not have enough experience and Edwards is a joke.

DMC- On to other things... What would you say would be your ideal day?

David- We were fortunate to take a trip to Florida last year and just had the best time ever. We got to go to NASA and all the parks down there, but my best time was an afternoon at the beach with my family and my was just a wonderful day.

DMC- What are your worst fears?

David- That I will somehow fail my family and/or fail God. I also fear drowning and outliving my kids.

DMC- Speaking of kids, what about them makes you proud?

David- Well, first off...they're both very smart. Much smarter than I was at either of their ages.
Dustin is very savvy at Music and has definite tastes in several musical styles. He's an accomplished bass player and will probably end up in the music industry.
Jared is our daredevil and excels at baseball and basketball. I think someday he'll play in the Major Leagues.

DMC- How about your does she make you proud?

David- Just the fact that she's stuck with me this long is enough to make me proud! I've got to say that she's had a hard time in life being hard of hearing, and I'm proud that she's come to accept it and work with it over time. When I first met her she was shy and afraid to speak up for herself...Now I can't get her to stop speaking up for herself! (laughs) I'M JOKING!!! I love her for too many reasons to even list here.

DMC-5 quick questions...and then will let you go....
1. If you could rule the world, how would you make it better?
David-I'd do away with paper tax forms and subscription cards and junk mail...we could save the forests if it wasn't for all of the wasted paper.

2. Favorite athlete of all time?
David- I'm biased, but I'll have to say George Brett. When I was growing up, he was the man, and here in Kansas City...he still is!

3. Cake or Pie?
David- Pie, it seems like there are more choices if you go with pie.

4. 8 people, past or present...who would you invite to dinner?
David- Jesus, Red Skelton, Johnny Carson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan and Lou Gehrig.

5. Dream Job?
David- Oscar Winning writer, director and producer.

DMC- That's all the time we have...David, thanks for being such a great guest.

David-Hey, no problem....any time!

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