Thursday, April 19, 2007

And today was...

And today was just another day like all the rest. I had a Migraine...I slept all afternoon. I talked to relatives about relatives who are mad at me about my Grandma post the other day. I emailed relatives who are mad at me about my Grandma post today. And so today was really not that great.

I still have my headache and the bright light from the monitor here is making me type with one eye shut. (those of you with migraines may also be afflicted with the pain being mostly on one side of your head... mine is on the right, so I've got my right eye shut.)

I had a horrible time driving home from work this afternoon because the sun was so bright and sun + headache = bad times! I came home around 3:00 and crashed. Slept till 7:30, watched part of "Thank God you're here" and ate a bite. Then watched "Idol" and was pleased with who got voted off FINALLY! (It was the toothy, talentless kid). Watched "LOST" and was horrified by the violent near death of one of the characters... the ending was a bit daffy too! But still, good telly.

Then I went to bed and tossed and turned for hours and now it's 2:45 AM and I'm still wide awakey, head-achy and blogging... Ah, don't you just envy the life of the man with migraines, family feuds and a cancerous dog? This too can be all yours!


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