Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Worst books I've ever read

1. Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. Whoever it was in Hollywood that read this book and thought "Hey, that would make a great movie!" is either a genius or a loon because this book is to literature what "The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island" is to film.
This book is not just's horrifically bad! (and in some ways does resemble "Gilligan's Island").

2. Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper. The word Classic is generously used in describing this book...however, have you ever met anyone who liked this excrapaganza? Wordy in the extreme with Poetic passages that mean absolutely nothing. As in the case of "Forest Gump," watch the movie!

3. Slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut. Ignore the glowing reviews on this time in his career, Vonnegut was coasting on the goodwill he gained way back when he was a good writer.
This claptrap about giant Siamese twins (one of whom becomes President) who battle Chinese people who fly around in spaceships that are the size of (and resemble) Fortune Cookies.
Ghastly!!! Oh, and made into an even worse (if that's possible!!!) movie starring Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn!!! Avoid at all costs! To think he wrote the classic "Slaughterhouse 5" is unthinkable after you attempt to read this junk.

4. Pinball by Jerzy Kosinski. How the Author of the classic "Being There" could ever stoop to this level is one of the great questions in literary history. All I know is that you should never buy a book based on the fact that the Author has had one or two good books, or that the book is on the best seller list. Some people (like me) were duped into actually buying this!

5. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. I used the 40 page rule on this one...if you aren't into the story by page 40, then get another book! Graphic, disgusting, vile, rude, tacky, repugnant, filthy, dirty, sickening, nasty, nauseating, and on and on and on. If you can make it through this book you're either a hero in my book or a potential serial killer! By far one of the sickest things ever written...and keep in mind after 40 pages I just skimmed the book! UGH! I wanted to take a shower after reading this stuff. Leave this one alone!


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