Friday, April 27, 2007

Life as I know it...

Yesterday was Take your Kids to work day and since my older Son has been to work with me many, many times it was time to take the little guy with me to work.

Overall, I'd have to say he did an excellent job. He helped me with several tasks and he worked hard to learn all of the steps involved in order to accomplish the task.

I was only scheduled a half day yesterday, so at noon, I clocked out and we walked a couple blocks to the new Pizza Hut down the street from my office. For some reason, my mind was set on stun and not kill, and so when I saw they were serving Buffalo Chicken Pizza, for whatever reason I took it to mean BBQ and not spicy.

Guess what??? IT WAS SPICY!!! I DON'T DO SPICY!!!

Since it was so crowded there I decided just to drink a gallon of Moutain Dew to counter-act the melting numbness that was overtaking my mouth with each bite. The pizza tasted good, but whew! Hot! My Son had the Pepperoni, so no prob there.

Afterwards we walked out into the mall and discovered zoo animals, the highway patrol, members of the symphony and several of our sports team's mascots... (Sluggrrrr, KC Wolf, etc...) were there for a city sponsored "TAKE YOUR KIDS TO WORK DAY FESTIVAL."
We visited there for a little bit and then headed towards home.... It was a good day.


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