Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Democratic race for the White House

Okay, so Hillary is not black enough, Obama isn't white or black enough and John Edwards keeps showing his cleavage... are these our only choices??? No sale for me...THANKS!

I'm still firmly in the Fred Thompson group and until you can convince me otherwise (and by the way, give up on that right now cause it ain't gonna happen!) I'll continue to stay with Fred.

Yesterday in Iowa, J. Eddie kept a crowd of Iowa-folk waiting in the hot, hot sun while he was piddling around with his schedule and running late. Do you think the nitwits that waited for an hour in 100 degree heat will still vote for him? I guess they might if their heat-stroke is bad enough because your brain would have to be fried to vote for this pampered white boy!
(if you didn't have doubts about him before, just think of the fact that he spends more a year on his hair than most people spend on their cars, houses or children!)

Oh sure, he looks and sounds good, (but so does Cindy Crawford and I wouldn't vote for her...no offense, Cindy!). So, what is it that you're looking for in a candidate?

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Someone who isn't afraid to lead
4. Someone who doesn't base their every move on the polls
5. Someone who has the same values as I do
6. Someone who can find a way to run this country without raising taxes
7. Someone who won't bow to special interests
8. Someone with a deep love of country and a strong faith in God
9. Someone who respects and protects the sanctity of life (specifically the lives of the unborn)
10. Someone who will not lie, cheat, steal or lie (yes, I mentioned that twice in case you weren't
paying attention...or in case you had to ask what the definition of "lie" is...)

I don't ask for a lot, but then again...this person will be working for you and for me... and not the other way around!


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