Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm not sure I really understand this, but okay...

Recently MSNBC had a big blow-up about a discussion they had regarding ads for Levi's jeans.
In the ad, there is a young man pulling up his jeans and as he does so, a phone booth pops up through his floor with a beautiful young lady inside... (the entire street with cars etc... also pops up too but the lady is the main draw here ) and so he and attractive girl go walking off together down the street... awww...

The controversy that erupted was over the fact that on the Gay Cable Network, they are running the same ad, although when he pulls up his pants this time, a young attractive guy is in the phone booth. They then exchange sly looks and walk off together down the street.

I don't really have a problem with this because...
1. It's on a gay channel, so I'm assuming they probably show stuff like this all the time.
2. I'm also assuming that Levi's is willing to take the hit in sales that will come from people who don't want to buy from a company that caters to Gay couples, thinking that they'll be seen as progressive and will sell more jeans to gay people.
3. It's kind of a dopey commercial anyway and I'm not sure what they're trying to say with it...
"Hey, buy Levi's and gay guys and hot chicks will knock down your apartment building with a phone booth!" (WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THIS SENDING TO OUR CHILDREN!!!)
4. I don't find this commercial near as dopey or as offensive as the one where all of the musicians are sitting around playing and singing "VIVA VIAGRA!!!" Since the musicians are all middle age or older, I'm guessing this isn't a frat party, so are they.... GAY??? There they are, all back slapping and happy and singing about what??? Getting ready for sex??? YUCK!

So I guess if it hadn't been for the dreaded INTERNET, I never would have known that Gay people wear jeans and knock down buildings with phone booths... and then I have to wonder, what century these people are from if they're using a phone booth??? I guess a cell phone only causes minor damage to apartment buildings...


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