Sunday, August 12, 2007

What in the world is wrong with you???!!!

So the other day I try to do something nice and stick up for someone that our family really admires and what do I get? Some dopey pinhead with half a brain writing to my Son and telling him off for writing the letter!!!

Of course this coward wouldn't want to write to an, that would be the "smart" thing to do...but to pick on a young kid who didn't deserve it is below the to speak.

This clown thinks that if he uses obscene language he can prove whatever his point is, but his main goal is to get a rise out of our family...which he does, but then we quickly realize that this is his aim and it's best to ignore him...

By writing this I'm not sure I'm totally ignoring him, but still it allows me to vent.

If I ever meet this dope my first question will be "What in the world is wrong with you???!!!"


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