Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dumb thing Wicked This Way Comes


Dumb people exasperate me! Like the person yesterday who was way too busy with her Industrial-Waste Sized Barrel-o-Soda Pop to be bothered with actually staying in her own lane on the highway!

Like the person who cut me off in traffic this morning because while she is proficient at putting on makeup and talking on a cell-phone while driving, she lacks the intelligence to flip the switch on her turn signals!

Like the rock group "Anti-Flag" who explains that their name means "Anti-War" not "Anti-United States..." huh, I wonder why they didn't just call themselves "Anti-War?" Duh...
(and yes, I know this is America so any dumb person can express any dumb opinion...)

And people who say "My Bad..." To which I respond "MY BAD WHAT??? BREATH??? ATTITUDE??? GAS??? WHAT???"

That doesn't mean they're stupid or anything...just finish the dumb sentence!!!
Of course, I'm sort of guilty of that once in awhile because I always say
"Have a good one..."

So I guess people have the right to say "Have a good what???"
George Carlin said that people saying "Have a good one" is one of his biggest pet peeves so now when people tell him that he responds by saying...
"Oh, I already have a good one...what I'd like is a longer one!"

Which reminds me...since we're on a body-part topic... Dustin (my 13 year old) came to me yesterday and said that Jared (my 7 year old) had a question for me...

Then Jared proceeded to ask "Dad, what's a Vagina?" (of course you have to picture Dustin snickering in the background)
I answered "It's the state right above West Vagina." (now picture Dustin nearly falling on the floor, laughing...)

It's never dull at our house, but then again...we're not Dumb People...


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