Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Well... one day removed from feeling like being hit by a bus, I'm still dizzy and worn out... I worked today and all went well, but I'm tired! Whew! Work was good...I stayed busy and got a bunch done.

Tonight we did the Valentine's day stuff and planned to take the kids to Logan's Roadhouse, which has good food, but the main draw for the kids is the big bucket of peanuts in the shell that they bring to you before your meal gets there... It's messy, tasty and fun... The prices aren't bad and the food's good, and they were packed to the walls with patrons.

Sooooo, we went with our second choice, Panera...which is always, always good. I got the Bacon-Turkey Bravo (which we all got, which we all always get!!! We're so predictable!) and Dustin and I got Potato soup and Sherry got the Broc and Cheddar (like we always get...) Jared opted for Pizza at Sam's Club where we shopped prior to going to Panera...and then he got an Asiago Cheese Bagel to snack on later... mmmmmmmm!

We came home and watched "LOST" which continues to dazzle and freak me out at every twist and turn! Sayid is a hitman working for Ben??? NO FLIPPIN WAY!!!??? Hugo is a traitor???!!!
NO FLIPPIN WAY!!! I love that show...AMAZING!

So, anyway...the kids are out-o-school tomorrow and tomorrow night is Dustin's big 14th B-Day party... they're watching "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie" and eating Pizza... whoo hoo! I think the girl to guy ratio is about 2-1 and I think Dustin really enjoys it being that way...
Way to go, stud!

Jared's team won their game Weds night 27-15, or did I mention that already? They continue to steamroll over the competition... Go Mustangs!

Talked to Dad today and he and part of Springfield, Mo continue to be out of power because of their second massive ice storm in two years. That and the Tornados that hit in January have done a lot of damage to the trees and homes around there. I don't know how they can stand it....

The temp here today was about 52-54 degrees and then it dropped to about 35 degrees within an hour... now it's cold and windy (Wow, now there's a change! Of course if you've been following the weather you know I'm being sarcastic cause this Winter has really stunk weather-wise!)

Could be worse, I guess...

Have a Happy Valentine's Day, okay??? Oh, and on the plus side, the new INDIANA JONES preview hit the net today and it looks great!


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