Sunday, February 24, 2008

Negative Campaign

Okay, here's my take on the election so far.

Richardson-never stood a chance....gone!
Biden-never stood a chance...buh, bye!
Thompson-stood a chance, never took that chance...sniff,sniff...gone!
Romney-stood a very good chance, spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY...gave up and left with his tail between his legs...gone! (oh, and large sums of money...gone!)
All the other bozos who dropped out...buh, bye and good riddance!

And now that leaves us with, McCain, Hillary, O'Bama, Huckabee.......and now RALPH NADER???!!!

Here's how I rank the remaining few:

Hillary--knows the White House, knows Washington, had an inside view of the Presidency...however...does not make her qualified for the job. Her career as a Senator has been brief and unremarkable. Comes off as cold and inhuman at times with the personality of really thin paper.
On a scale of one to ten: 5

McCain--War Hero, Long-Time Senator...many accomplishments and is qualified....BUT, has zero personality and charisma and a really hot temper. Could handle the war effort with his eyes closed, but economic background is iffy and voted no on Bush Tax Reductions...
On a scale of one to ten: 7.5

O'Bama--short term in Senate...short term serving in Illinois...not a large legislative background... Loads of personality and is the best speaker of the bunch, however...while offering hope, he offers little else. Looks good, sounds good...pretty wrapping on an empty box.
On a scale of one to ten: 3.5

Huckabee--Governor of Arkansas. Touts his tax reductions in that state, but actually raised many corporate taxes and took in more tax money than the previous administration did.
Likeable guy with a good sense of humor and CHUCK NORRIS! Could handle the economics of the job, but I worry about the War with him in office. I LOVE THE FAIR TAX, but it will never fly.
On a scale of one to ten: 5.5

Nader--Single handedly cost Al Gore the election in 2000 due to his taking votes away in the state of Florida. Offers sound advice on economics and energy spending vs. saving, but is seen as too far off the map for most voters. No personality so to speak, but is a decent speaker and offers loads of stats to back up his stand on most issues...but still appeals to very few voters.
Stands less of a chance of winning than Huckabee.
On a scale of one to ten: 2.5

So there's my opinion on that... Let me know what you think...


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