Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sex: it's the Real Thing...

I was going to call this blog entry "Sex: the Agreeable time killer," but I thought that would be too weird, so forget I mentioned it...okay?

Okay Kids, today we're discussing Sex. Why is it that people are so obsessed with sex? Hmmmm.... okay, there are lots of reasons, way too many to discuss in one simple blog.
Meanwhile, as the adult film industry continues to rake in millions of dollars each day and as the news reports keep reporting about teachers sleeping with their teenage students, more and more people are getting into sex.

Part of that reason is that some are reaching the age where they want to try things, and part of it is the fact that Paris Hilton has now slept with over 80% of single men in 48 of the 50 states.
(those two states are still securely held by Madonna despite the fact that she claimed them nearly 20 years ago. )

I totally understand why people are interested in sex. But to go to the lengths that some people do is just crazy! Every day I hear something new that I never really wanted to hear in the first place!

The bookstore I work at has about 20 shelves of only instructional guides about...guess what? Sex? Judging from the covers of these books you have to be a fashion model who isn't shy about nude photography and you have to have been an Olympic gymnast. (or a contortionist!) My favorite book cover has a couple engaged in an "activitiy" while hanging from a chandalier.
I can always use the excuse that I've never tried that because we don't own that type of light fixture! (Good thinkin' Dave!)

One of the other popular Sex books is called "Threesomes" and judging from the cover, it takes the premise of the old TV series "Three's Company" a lot, lot farther than it's creators ever imagined. My thought on this is.... if you've reached a level in your sex life where you're regularly having sex with more than one person at a time, do you really need an instruction book? I'm guessing if you've gotten to that point, you're either really good at what you do or extremely lucky. (or drunk, or perhaps all of the above). I guess the only thing more advanced than that would be a Threesome while hanging from a chandalier.

The books in that area that kill me are the ones that are titled things like "Really Hot Sex," or "The Best Sex You'll ever have," "Or knock his socks off," or something along that line...
How come you never see a book entitled "You've been married thirty years, you'll be lucky if you get any," or "Really boring sex," or "Leave your socks on, I could care less."

Now I'm sorry this topic has been a bit "off-color..." I had no intention of offending anyone. But hey, we're all adults here...right? I mean, I'm a Christian, and although I have no plans of having group sex or hanging from anything to be intimate, I still think of sex from time to time... I mean, I grew up in an age where we were required by law to have a Farrah Fawcett poster in our rooms or face the ire and ridicule of our classmates and friends. So, how can you have a poster like that and not ever think of sex. (hmmmm.... I think I still have that poster somwhere....but I doubt Sherry will let me put it up.)

Whatever you think about sex...admit still think about it... but keep it pure, keep it holy...keep it as God intended. I don't think he minds me joking about it...he invented it after all... I don't think he had threesomes and chandaliers in mind though...



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