Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It happens every spring

Winter has to be ending soon, doesn't it? The Winter of 2007-2008 seems like the longest, coldest and wettest one ever for some reason. Even the kids are getting tired of the snow days...and I think I heard the weatherman say today that we had snow (falling and/or landing) for 35 days so far! That's unbelievable! Not too far North of here they've had about 40 inches, whereas we've only had about 18...which still nearly doubles what we've gotten during any of the past 10 Winters!

But hey, soon and very soon... Spring will arrive and a young man's thoughts (or even a middle-aged man's) will turn to.... Baseball!

That's right, baseball fans...Spring training has just gotten underway and deals are being made...the fans are getting antsy and we're starting to look at the schedules and rosters, and promotions and such!

In other words...I can't wait! Now I love basketball, and I like football and even the occasional Nascar race... but I REALLY LOVE BASEBALL!

Now there are several teams that I pay attention to...Boston, St. Louis, New York (the Yankees),
the White Sox and last, but not least... My Royals! Yes, I know they aren't the best team in the world, but they show promise! Trey Hillman is going to get this team where it needs to be this season and I, for one, am on board from day one!

I'm going to have to stop writing about this soon, or I'll be overtaken by the urge to watch my DVD of the 1985 World Series or "Field of Dreams" again.

So, buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get back....


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